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What They Say About Us

  • A.J. Tranter (FATEA Magazine)
    No airs or graces, no pretence, just fine quality musicianship and raw enthusiasm make this album what it is ... The choruses and rhythms are equally infectious and it's success is down to its refined simplicity....this album is sure to please all comers!
  • Maurice Hope (AmericanaUK)
    Run Out The Guns is the kind of act folk festivals and beyond would love to have play for them. For the quartet is accomplished in all departments, not least is the superb musicianship as fiddle, Bodhran, Irish tenor banjo, guitar, percussion, mandolin and harmonica
  • Sarah Bellis (CAMRA)
    We won't be booking Run Out The Guns for Bent n Bongs beer festival in the future.... What's the point in having a beer festival when the band keep the audience away from the bar dancing all night?
  • George Borowski
    These guys are the dogs bollox

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